PE Leader: Mrs Anderson
What do we want our children to achieve from our PE curriculum?
Physical Education serves a crucial role within our curriculum in terms of encouraging our children to lead a healthy lifestyle and gain core values in a practical context. At Broomhill Primary School, we provide an inclusive approach to physical education, whereby all children have the opportunity to excel in certain disciplines. We aim to provide a PE curriculum which equips our children with excellent teamworking skills, self-esteem and ambition, an understanding of their physical and mental wellbeing and a passion for competitive sport.
How do we ensure that this happens?
All children across school are taught by our PE specialist teacher (Liam) each week. This ensures that our PE curriculum is delivered using expertly designed schemes of work, which have a clear progression of skills. Every PE lesson is underpinned by the fundamental message - physical activity is enjoyable - so that all of our children have a positive initial experience to encourage continued participation throughout their lives.
All children in Years 3 and 4 go swimming at Amble swimming pool. Swimming for two consecutive years allows us to provide top-up swimming sessions for those pupils who have not yet achieved the expected competencies. 
After school clubs throughout the year provide a further opportunity for children to develop their skills and compete in their chosen sports.